A division of Carey Green, LLC
Media designed to help you get your mind aligned with the truth of God’s word.
Our Most Recent Episodes
YMJ009: Husbands as sacrificial lovers (Biblical roles in marriage)
In the last episode we taught what the Bible says about a man’s role in his marriage relationship. He’s supposed to be the head or leader. This week, we follow that up with a very practical question: What is that supposed to LOOK like, practically?None of us enjoy...
GFK036: TODDLERS: Lots of Repetition and lots of “No”s
The toddler stage can be SO frustrating, so many developmental things are happening all at once. But parents who get their minds prepared for it and who know what they are really trying to accomplish will have a much better time of it. This episode focuses on TWO...
YMJ008: Our prayer for your marriage (we really are going to pray for you)
You might say this episode is a little bit of something different, because it surely is going to be that. A few days ago Mindi and I realized anew how much we care about what's going on in your marriage. We long to see God do all He desires and all you dream for your...
GFK035: How to cultivate a Christian world view in your kids
What are the best ways to embed a Christian Worldview in your kids from an early age? It's not as hard as you might think, though it does require some intention and diligent work. This episode explains the first steps to making it happen.The basics of a Christian...
YMJ007: The husband is the leader (Biblical roles in marriage series)
Each of us plays a variety of roles every day in our lives. Some of those roles are based on the relationships we're in, as examples: You're a mother, you are a father - those are roles you're in because of the particular relationship you have with your children. In...
GFK034: Your kids don’t need a therapist, they need you
Parents today have it hard. There are lots of issues their kids face that parents and kids in previous generations didn’t have to face. There is also an “expert” culture and mindset we’re living in that tells us that we should let “experts” handle the difficult...
YMJ006: The counter cultural blessing of sacrificial love (2 of 2)
So this is the second part of our session on sacrificial love, and we're going to continue through the verses in Romans chapter 12. We are happy to be recording, and that you are listening, because we love you. That may sound weird for us to say, but you're brothers...
GFK033: Teach your kids the mental habit of trust
If you take just a moment to examine the means by which you function in the world, you’ll discover that MOST of what you do is performed out of mental habits. In other words, the way you’ve learned to THINK about things is what guides the way you behave, how you make...
YMJ005: How sacrificial love can build a thriving marriage (1 of 2)
God says, "Bless those who persecute you. Bless and do not curse them." Let's just be honest here. Sometimes in marriage, it can feel like you're on opposite sides. But because we're Christians, we have the Lord of the universe living in us. He says, "Bless and do not...
GFK032: Help your children renew their minds
One of the most important, day to day habits that we need to develop as followers of Jesus is the practice of renewing our minds (Romans 12:2). As Christian parents, this is a life-giving task that we need to be teaching to our kids as well. This episode we discuss...
YMJ004: Communication is the soil in which a healthy marriage grows
It's ludicrous to see that a plant can grow and be healthy if it was planted in a dry, barren wasteland. It's going to shrively up and die before it even gets a chance to grow. Yet, we are mystified that our marriages struggle and wobble along, when the fact is that...
GFK031: Is it OK for my kid to tattle?
When Christian couples consider whether or not the Mom in the family should work outside the home, it's not an easy decision, no matter the issues involved. Financial pressures, cultural pressures, and inner desires push Moms to make decisions for all the wrong...
Hi there, We are Carey & MindI
We’ve been married since 1989, in ministry for going on 30 years, and following Jesus for over 50 years (each, no kidding). And our good God has blessed us with 5 kids and a passel of grandkids.
It’s our joy to be about King Jesus’ business, producing content that helps you get your mind aligned with the truth of God’s word (the Bible).
We’ve established Morning Mindset Media as an easy place to find all the things we’re doing. Reach out. We’d love to know what He’s doing in YOUR life.