A division of Carey Green, LLC

Media designed to help you get your mind aligned with the truth of God’s word.

Our podcasts

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The Morning Mindset Daily Christian Devotional podcast

The Morning Mindset  Christian Daily Devotional

God Fearing Kids & The Parents Who Raise Them

You and Me and Jesus
(Christian Marriage)

Digging Deeper
(Partners-only podcast)

Christian Home and Family
(an older podcast)

Our Most Recent Episodes

GFK033: Teach your kids the mental habit of trust

GFK033: Teach your kids the mental habit of trust

If you take just a moment to examine the means by which you function in the world, you’ll discover that MOST of what you do is performed out of mental habits. In other words, the way you’ve learned to THINK about things is what guides the way you behave, how you make...

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GFK032: Help your children renew their minds

GFK032: Help your children renew their minds

One of the most important, day to day habits that we need to develop as followers of Jesus is the practice of renewing our minds (Romans 12:2). As Christian parents, this is a life-giving task that we need to be teaching to our kids as well. This episode we discuss...

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GFK031: Is it OK for my kid to tattle?

GFK031: Is it OK for my kid to tattle?

When Christian couples consider whether or not the Mom in the family should work outside the home, it's not an easy decision, no matter the issues involved. Financial pressures, cultural pressures, and inner desires push Moms to make decisions for all the wrong...

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Hi there, We are Carey & MindI

Picture of podcast co-hosts Carey Green & Mindi Green, hugging.

We’ve been married since 1989, in ministry for going on 30 years, and following Jesus for over 50 years (each, no kidding). And our good God has blessed us with 5 kids and a passel of grandkids.

It’s our joy to be about King Jesus’ business, producing content that helps you get your mind aligned with the truth of God’s word (the Bible).

We’ve established Morning Mindset Media as an easy place to find all the things we’re doing. Reach out. We’d love to know what He’s doing in YOUR life.