GFK041: Training your child in unusual circumstances

GFK041: Training your child in unusual circumstances

How should you handle those unusual circumstances when your youngster is out of her element and as a result, is out of sorts? In this episode, we emphasize the importance of teaching children self-control even in those unusual settings, for the sake of their spiritual...
GFK038: You can humbly rebuild bridges with your adult kids

GFK038: You can humbly rebuild bridges with your adult kids

We have seen so much heartache that exists in Christian parents regarding the lifestyles and circumstances of their adult children. There are a variety of causes for this grief but in the end, it’s the parent’s job to keep on being a loving, supportive,...
GFK037: The only guarantee parents have

GFK037: The only guarantee parents have

Today we want to talk with you about a situation that came up, actually two situations that recently came up in our life as parents of adult kids. We have five kids. They’re all 20 years older, older at this point. And we did our best as parents when they were...